Other Locations
In addition to our 11 physical locations, AllHealth has providers located in area schools, jails, detention centers and at the 18th Judicial District where we work in partnership with community programs and systems of care.
Douglas County Jail Based Behavioral Health Services
4000 Justice Way
Castle Rock, CO 80109
The goal of the Jail Based Behavioral Health Services program is to provide appropriate behavioral health services to inmates while supporting continuity of care within the community after release from incarceration. AllHealth Network clinicians who work in the jail address gaps in services for mental health disorder screening, assessment, diagnosis and treatment for co-occurring conditions.
18th Judicial District
Arapahoe County Justice Center
7325 S. Potomac Street
Centennial, CO 80112
AllHealth Network is connected to several services and court programs within the 18th Judicial District, which covers Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln counties. We have case managers assigned to the Problem-Solving Courts and serve as the Bridges Program Court Liaison for individuals court ordered for competency evaluations due to a mental health condition. Services affiliated with the 18th District are overseen by our Criminal Justice Administrative Officer.
Early Childhood Consultation Program
AllHealth Network provides early childhood consultation in childcare facilities in Arapahoe and Douglas County. Consultation is provided in environments where a potential need for services has been identified by the facility. Consultations can focus on the needs of the facility or of a specific child who is at-risk for early intervention support or to address behavioral challenges. Consultation reports written by an AllHealth Network Early Childhood Specialist offer clinical guidance to the child care facility (and if appropriate, the child’s family) on social emotional supports, how to improve the classroom environment to better meet mental health needs of attendees, and how to support during a community crisis. Referrals for services may come from any concerned professional or family member.
School-Based Mental Health Services
See our Community Partner page for locations.
AllHealth Network partners with Cherry Creek, Douglas, Englewood, Littleton and Sheridan School Districts by co-locating Masters level behavioral health therapists in elementary, middle and high schools. Principals identify schools in need of significant social, emotional support for their students. Our therapists provide individual, group and family therapy to students and families. Check with your child’s school counselor or social worker to see if services are available. All services are provided in the schools and are billed to directly to the family’s insurance.