New specialty program for depression offers relief during COVID-19

The MOSAIC Center for Positive Living’s Depression Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) at AllHealth Network is a new program that was just launched in April, 2020 to help meet the growing mental health needs of Coloradans with depression.

Coincidentally, the program launched right as the COVID-19 pandemic had taken hold in our community and stay-at-home orders were going into effect. The AllHealth Network Depression IOP team quickly shifted the program to launch via telehealth to ensure the continuation of services.  Since then, it has been reported and predicted that there will be a sharp increase in the need for these kinds of mental health services both today and throughout this pandemic. According to CPR News, the preliminary results of a recent survey released by the Colorado School of Public Health, found that 23 percent of Coloradans met the criteria for major depressive disorder. Before the pandemic, only about 7 percent of the U.S. population met the criteria.

What is the Depression-IOP?

One of the main reasons for the IOP level of care is to help fill the gap between inpatient treatment and weekly outpatient therapy. IOP’s provide an appropriate step-down level of care from inpatient treatment and partial hospitalization programs (PHPs), or alternatively a step-up for clients who are not seeing results from weekly outpatient therapy.

IOP’s offer an accelerated and comprehensive approach to treatment that allows clients to continue with their normal routine, while working closely with an outpatient care team that is focused on reducing their symptoms. They are also group oriented, so clients can work together and support one another on their path towards healing.

Opening the Depression IOP via telehealth during a pandemic was completely unexpected, but the positive response received from clients since opening the program has been encouraging. Program Supervisor, Jenny Dieckman, says that clients report really enjoying the program and appreciate being able to stay connected throughout this difficult time. “We hope to continue to offer a telehealth option for clients, even as we begin to deliver these services in-person at our newly remodeled Inverness location,” said Dieckman.

A recent article from Scientific American titled “Mental Health After COVID-19” highlights the need for online intermediate care options, such IOPs and PHPs, to continue after the pandemic, preventing hospital admissions and expanding treatment options for individuals who may be struggling.

What makes the AllHealth Network IOP unique?

The MOSAIC Center’s Depression IOP utilizes a multidisciplinary treatment team that consists of licensed, masters-level clinicians, a registered nurse, a psychiatrist, and a peer to create a truly holistic approach to the treatment of depression.

Our groups are co-facilitated, which means that therapists are able to offer individual attention during group time. This is especially helpful when a client needs to de-escalate or apply what they are learning to their individual life situation with the support of The MOSAIC Center staff.

The Depression IOP also includes an activity time where clients get to focus on movement together.  During movement activities, Program Supervisor Jenny Dieckman likes to talk about the importance of these seemingly small steps that can have a significant impact on our brains by helping us form new connections.

In addition, the psychiatrist and nurse in the program also provide bi-weekly medical groups, where they discuss topics related to the interconnectedness of our biology, psychology, and socio-environmental factors that influence our well-being.

Meet the team

To learn more about the MOSAIC Center’s Depression IOP such as program details, insurance, etc., please visit:

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