Our pharmacy offers:
- A convenient location for filling prescriptions for you and your family at the time of your appointment at our Sycamore location.
- The AllHealth Network pharmacy can deliver your order to the location where you receive care. Your prescriptions will be waiting for you at the front desk, usually within 24 hours.
- Mail and home delivery is available.
- Rx Ready Alert Program to receive a text or email message about your order. Once you have signed up, you will receive notifications when your prescription is ready to be picked up.
- Transferring prescriptions to the AllHealth Network Pharmacy is easy. Simply call us at (303) 797-2500 and tell us what medications you need and where they are being filled. We will take care of the rest.
Our trusted pharmacists can fill medications for mental health and substance use conditions as well as prescriptions for physical health conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Name brand and generic over-the-counter products are available.
Please see our full pharmacy website for additional information or Call us at (303) 797-2500
The pharmacy provides a variety of medication services including:
- Dispensing
- Patient counseling and education
- Coordination of care,
- Patient advocacy,
- Wellness and health promotion
- Medication management
- Immunizations
- Patient assistance programs
- Text/e-mail notifications
- Durable medical equipment
- Compliance packaging
- Mailing
- Delivery
- Overdose prevention kits
- MedSync
The pharmacy also provides education for providers, nurses and other healthcare professionals regarding medication actions, appropriate therapy, appropriate dosage, and drug interactions.
Please see our full pharmacy website for additional information or Call us at (303) 797-2500
Medication Information

The U.S. National Library of Medicine operates a very useful, easy to navigate website with information about disorders, diseases and medications.

Resources for parents developed by the American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Free, downloadable guides to learn more about medications used to treat children/adolescents with ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, or Depression.